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Emphasis on patient preference (idea from tweet chat)

Place more emphasis on patient preference, this can be difficult because of service and organisational structures and processes.Β 

Julian Winn πŸ’™ πŸ’œ
Place more emphasis on patient preference.
It sounds relatively easy but is incredibly hard to do because of service and organisational structures & processes

Julian Winn πŸ’™ πŸ’œ
Q1 - Co-production in process and transformation change is definitely a step in the right direction

Julian Winn πŸ’™ πŸ’œ
There are good examples of care that better aligns to patient circumstances - The Homeless Health Service provided by
is a good eg IMO
Doing it better:
- Understand the REAL problem
- Don't rush to solutions
- Work with MDTs & P'ts
- Be prepared to fail

s your idea a commercial offer , or does it have the potential to be a commercial offer?


Which part of the pathway does your idea focus on?

All parts of the pathway

edited on Mar 25, 2022 by Ideas from Tweet chat
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Julian Winn Apr 4, 2022

A selection of papers illustrating the benefits, desires & complexities associated with patient preferences.

As I noted, complying with patient preference 'is hard'.

The topic has been explored in thousands of papers. One scolastic database returned 1.9m papers to a query expressed as:
"patient AND preference AND care AND outcomes" (Preference for access to records)

Nina Jaspal Jan 13, 2023

Thank you for supporting the #SolvingTogether crowdsourcing for elective care recovery by sharing your idea.

Every single idea and comment has been reviewed by more than 30 champions who are supporting this work, led by regional NHS leads, including people lived experience, national clinical directors, experts in health inequalities and system improvers.

The champions supported the theming of the ideas and identified three Big Ideas. These three Big Ideas are now being developed to be prototyped and tested.

Your idea contributed to the creation of Big Idea 1c.

Managing my own care journey, with support if I need it: We heard through the crowdsourcing that people who are waiting for the decision to be admitted for elective care say that they want more control or power over what is happening to them. They say they want to know what is going on and have more knowledge and control over when things are going to happen to them. They want to be prepared.

The focus for this big idea includes three elements: 1a. creating a hybrid contact service; 1b. developing a digital pre-consultation solution; and 1c making waiting time valuable.

For more information about the other two Big Ideas, please visit

Thank you for Solving Together.

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