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Review & update The Productive Operating Theatre: let's create TPOT 2022
The Productive Operating Theatre (TPOT) improvement approach was launched in 2009/10 across the NHS. Here is the link to the original materials: TPOT was embraced by many NHS theatre teams across England. It delivered improvements in the NHS (see for instance ; ; ) and in other health systems around the globe (see for instance ). Many aspects of operating theatre delivery have changed, but there some aspects of TPOT that remain as relevant as ever. There is still a delivery gap between many of the best practices in TPOT and much operational practice today. One of the best things about TPOT was that it was clinically developed and led, but seen as a systemic intervention, supported by senior leaders and the board. It focused on things that really matter to theatre teams. TPOT 2022 would need to look very different but it presents a big opportunity for improvement to explore
As part of the Theatre Programme, chaired by Stella Vigg, NCD Elective Recovery & Prof Tim Briggs, Chair GIRFT Programme, a refresh of parts of TPOT are planned to be developed within the Theatre Productivity workstream. Would be keen to hear on areas that people would like to see be priority areas of focus for the working group and if wider stakeholders are keen to be involved to get in touch.
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Loved the productive work, I still use this with site teams. Brilliant idea to go back and review this, develop and use.
Yes, and a powerful part of the 'Productives' series was the do-it-yourself approach of this being more of a bottom-up change methodology which front line staff were able to drive themselves, by following well written guidance and modules such as "knowing how we're doing" (which lands better than "performance management"!). Part of the ambition for "Outstanding Theatre Teams" is to enable teams to make improvements locally, based on evidence of what works - which the GIRFT Theatres programme is collating and sharing.
So it is well set up . . . .
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