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Wheelchair skills training
As a wheelchair user of 15 years, I recognise that the skills I learned early on after my injury have allowed me to take advantage of many opportunities and live a full life. Unfortunately, wheelchair skills training is not made available as standard to all wheelchair users. Through structured, peer led wheelchair skills training we can build confidence and independence of all wheelchair users, any age and any ability. These outcomes will lead to improved physical and mental wellbeing and reduce pressure on other health services. These positive learning environments can also promote healthier ways of living and link to other support through social prescribing for wheelchair users (1.2 million across the UK) facing health inequalities. More about wheelchair skills training can be found at
Please check out this TedX talk which went live last week and brings more life to wheelchair skills
Is your idea a commercial offer , or does it have the potential to be a commercial offer?
Which part of the pathway does your idea focus on?
Hi Pete, thanks so much for adding this idea it is a really great idea that would help alot of people! I look forward to seeing other peoples thoughts and comments!
We love this idea at healthy london partnership. Social isolation for wheelchair users is something that this intervention will tackle. Giving people the confidence and skills to thrive in life and work with a wheelchair. Pete is an incredible ambassador and social entrepreneur. I hope one day all wheelchair users in London get to access his coaching and skills.
Hi Pete, This is a great idea. We know that wheelchair users have significantly varied experiences of support to develop wheelchair skills and confidence which impacts on accessibility, access to employment, personal finances, health and wellbeing and overall quality of life. This is a great idea especially when undertaking in interactive group sesisons
I am a teacher at a SEN primary school in London and was thrilled to have Pete join us to teach wheelchair skills to members of our wheelchair sports club. Pete was able to keep the children focused and motivated for an entire morning and they left with more confidence and ability to navigate their environments by self-propelling. It was also an important session for our staff who left with more knowledge of how to support our wheelchair users to be more independent. I feel it is essential that SEN schools are equipped to teach our pupils to get themselves around in their wheelchairs, both in school and out in the community and to participate in sporting activities. Sessions and training such as those provided by Pete are crucial to support both our pupils and staff to ensure wheelchair skills are used throughout the day.
I worked in a DDPO for seven years and had many clients who would have benefited from the increased independence and confidence that comes with improved wheelchair skills. I know from eleven years lived experience as a wheelchair user that it takes a long time to get physically, psychologically and socially comfortable in a wheelchair. I think this training and support would greatly help people.
Hi Pete,
I think this is a great idea and can have such an impact on quality of life.
This is a great idea thanks. This should be available to all wheelchair users, such a a high impact idea.