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Improve utilisation of primary care clinicians e.g. Optometrists, Pharmacists, Dentists, Physiotherapists, etc

There are a large number of clinicans across many specialities working in rimar care that have the quaifications to do more. Utilising this workforce for low complexity / low risk patients will improve capacity across the NHS while upskilling the workforce to handle more and reduce inappropriate referrals for low complexity conditions. Patients with low risk / low complexity conditions will be able to access care sooner while reducing the waiting times for patients with more complex presentations

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edited on Apr 12, 2022 by Rupesh Bagdai
Public (1)
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Chris Richmond Apr 13, 2022

This is a good point Rupesh, and as an AHP I can see that historic boundaries are a lot more blurred that they used to be. I think part of the key is to understand what boundaries need to be there and which don't. There are some around professional scope that obviously do but where is that sweet spot in the middle of any venn diagram for crossover? It will vary from profession to profession and situation to situation. Also I know that HEE are doing and have done a lot around rotational working models. This type of role allows those participating to have a more "portfolio" career, and can help with retention of staff as well.