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Maybe asking therapists to do an assessment to see if a person can go home in a normal car so avoiding booking ambulances . Then having a pool of volunteer drivers and 3 sector drivers to take those that don’t need an ambulance home . So not relying on hospital transport.
edited on Aug 25, 2022 by
Beverley Matthews
Hi Deon, not needing to rely on hospital transport would be beneficial for many reasons - the person being able to go home sooner, as well as the hospital resources. Were you thinking the normal car would be driven by a friend or family member of the person being discharged, or by another route?
Thank you Deon - this reminds me of my dad! He was a Voluntary Car Driver after he retired and would take people to hospital or pick up for their discharge home. Not only did it release the need for an ambulance, but also gave my dad a most wonderful purpose in life.
It would be helpful if we could find some examples of where this works - do share if you know of any please. Thank you Bev
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I think this is a great idea! And surely a cheaper option too which is an added bonus.
Great idea to build up the volunteer network for getting people home. Are there any risks that need to be considered or are all volunteers vetted in advance, and tracked on these journeys? How do patients feel about being driven home by a volunteer? Is there any data on this?
Very practical idea. Im aware some trusts are also using Uber to taxi patients home. Not sure its widely used though. Volunteering is amazing, but may struggle to scale and get coverage during winters, etc. Obviously paying for taxi would be cheaper than keeping someone in NHS bed unnecessarily.
Another good idea Deon and something again we're covering via our webtech platform 'Vidimo' - the ability to book different type of transport, including volunteer supplied. Where ward, Patient Transport or volunteer Teams can allocate, manage and monitor. We're clearly sharing the same thought paths. Happy to share and compare.
Agree that all patients should be assessed to go home by car as standard, but doesnt necessarily need therapist to assess this. Perhaps talk to the patient and ward staff, including AHPs, to hear / see how they are getting into bed/chair etc. Volunteer drivers also sounds great.